Tuesday, June 25, 2024

bank profits

Equitus.ai's Knowledge Graph Neural Network (KGNN) technology, combined with IBM Power10 processors, could improve major profit sources for large US banks in several ways:

  1. Enhanced risk assessment:
  • KGNN could analyze vast amounts of interconnected data to better assess credit risks, potentially reducing loan defaults and improving interest income.
  • Power10's AI acceleration could enable real-time risk analysis on complex datasets with a more cost effective approach to LLM and big data using energy efficient MMA chips.
  1. Improved fraud detection:
  • With Fusion, powered with kgnn using Semantic Graphs combined with Multi-Agentic Searching could rapidly identify subtle patterns and relationships indicative of fraud, potentially reducing losses and improving net fee income.
  • Power10's security features and energy efficiency would enhance data protection during these processes.
  1. Personalized product recommendations:
  • By analyzing customer behavior and relationships, KGNN could enable more targeted cross-selling of financial products, potentially increasing fee income and diversifying revenue streams.
  1. Advanced trading strategies:
  • KGNN, using advanced systems integration combining with semantic graphs - with multi agentic parallel searches  could provide superior analysis of market trends and relationships between various financial instruments to inform trading decisions.
  • Power10's high-performance computing capabilities could enable faster execution of complex trading algorithms.
  1. Optimized wealth management:
  • The technology could provide more sophisticated portfolio analysis and recommendations for high-net-worth clients.
  1. Enhanced treasury services:
  • KGNN could improve cash flow predictions and liquidity management for corporate clients.
  1. Improved operational efficiency:
  • By analyzing internal processes and data flows, the KGNN could identify areas for cost reduction and efficiency improvements.
  1. Better compliance and regulatory reporting:
  • The system could help banks more effectively navigate complex regulatory requirements, potentially reducing compliance costs and risks.
  1. Customer churn prediction and retention:
  • KGNN could identify patterns that indicate a customer is likely to leave, allowing for proactive retention efforts.
  1. Market trend analysis:
  • The technology could provide deeper insights into market trends, helping banks adjust their strategies more effectively.

It's important to note that while this technology combination offers significant potential, its actual impact would depend on how it's implemented and integrated with existing bank systems and processes. Would you like me to elaborate on any specific area?

Enterprise banks in the USA typically derive their profits from several major sources:

1. Interest income: This is often the largest source of revenue, coming from loans to businesses, mortgages, credit cards, and other lending products.

2. Fees and charges: Banks earn significant income from various fees, including:

   - Account maintenance fees

   - Overdraft fees

   - ATM fees

   - Wire transfer fees

   - Loan origination fees

3. Investment banking services: For larger banks, this includes underwriting, mergers and acquisitions advisory, and securities trading.

4. Wealth management and asset management: Providing investment advice and managing assets for high-net-worth individuals and institutions.

5. Treasury services: Offering cash management, payment processing, and other financial services to businesses.

6. Trading activities: Profits from trading securities, currencies, and other financial instruments.

7. Insurance products: Some banks offer insurance services or partner with insurance companies to sell products.

8. Merchant services: Providing payment processing services to businesses.

9. Foreign exchange services: Facilitating currency exchanges for businesses and individuals.

10. Securitization: Packaging loans into securities and selling them to investors.

The specific mix of profit sources can vary depending on the bank's size, focus, and business model. Would you like me to elaborate on any of these areas?

Monday, June 24, 2024


Equitus.ai's Knowledge Graph Neural Network (KGNN) technology, combined with IBM Power10 and Watson IoT, can significantly enhance various aspects of financial services, including international payments, banking technology, digital lending, investment capital markets, insurance technology, and financial media. Here's how this integration can improve these areas:

1. International Payments:

- Real-time fraud detection: KGNN's advanced pattern recognition, powered by IBM Power10's AI acceleration, can identify suspicious transactions instantly, enhancing security for cross-border payments[1][2].

- Improved compliance: The system can analyze complex international regulations in real-time, ensuring transactions comply with various jurisdictions' requirements.

2. Banking Technology:

- Enhanced data integration: KGNN can seamlessly integrate data from various sources, including legacy systems, providing a comprehensive view of banking operations[4].

- AI-driven decision support: Leveraging IBM Power10's Matrix Math Accelerator, banks can offer more personalized services and make data-driven decisions faster[1][3].

3. Digital Lending:

- Advanced risk assessment: By analyzing diverse data sources, KGNN can create more accurate risk profiles for loan applicants, improving lending decisions.

- Automated underwriting: The AI capabilities of IBM Power10 can accelerate the loan approval process, enhancing customer experience.

4. Investment Capital Markets:

- Real-time market analysis: KGNN can process vast amounts of market data in real-time, providing traders with actionable insights.

- Predictive analytics: By leveraging historical and real-time data, the system can forecast market trends more accurately.

5. Insurance Technology:

- Improved risk modeling: KGNN can analyze complex datasets to create more accurate risk models, leading to better pricing and underwriting decisions.

- Fraud detection: The system can identify patterns indicative of insurance fraud more effectively, reducing losses for insurers.

6. Financial Media:

- Automated content generation: KGNN can analyze financial data and generate automated reports and news articles, increasing the speed and volume of financial news production.

- Personalized content delivery: By understanding user preferences and behaviors, the system can deliver tailored financial news and insights to individual users.

Key benefits of this integration include:

- High performance and scalability: IBM Power10 processors are designed for data-intensive workloads, offering significant performance improvements for handling large volumes of financial transactions and data processing[3].

- Enhanced security: IBM Power10's advanced security features, such as transparent memory encryption, ensure data protection and compliance with financial regulations[3].

- AI acceleration: The Matrix Math Accelerators in IBM Power10 support AI inferencing, enabling real-time analytics and decision-making crucial for financial services[1][2].

- IoT integration: Watson IoT can help manage and analyze data from various financial touchpoints, providing deeper insights into customer behaviors and market trends.

By leveraging Equitus.ai's KGNN on IBM Power10 with Watson IoT, financial institutions can achieve a more integrated, secure, and efficient technology platform. This combination can lead to improved customer experiences, better risk management, and enhanced operational efficiencies across various financial services sectors[4][5].


[1] https://www.linkedin.com/posts/equitus_ibm-activity-7196103399816261633-286r

[2] https://www.linkedin.com/posts/equitus_new-ibm-power-server-extends-ai-workloads-activity-7196221341862166528-gkgT

[3] https://newsroom.ibm.com/Blog-New-IBM-Power-server-extends-AI-workloads-from-core-to-cloud-to-edge-for-added-business-value-across-industries

[4] https://equitus.ai/defense/

[5] https://equitus.ai/enterprise-how-to-get-started/

Integrating Equitus.ai's Knowledge Graph Neural Network (KGNN) with IBM Power10

Integrating Equitus.ai's Knowledge Graph Neural Network (KGNN) with IBM Power10 and Watson IoT can significantly enhance various banking services for enterprise customers. Here’s how this combination can improve checking and savings accounts, loan and mortgage services, wealth management, credit and debit cards, and overdraft services:

Checking and Savings Accounts

1. **Enhanced Customer Insights**: KGNN can analyze transaction patterns and customer behaviors to provide personalized financial advice and account management tips, improving customer satisfaction and engagement.

2. **Fraud Detection**: By leveraging real-time data analysis capabilities of IBM Power10, KGNN can detect unusual account activities and potential fraud more effectively, ensuring higher security for customers.

 Loan and Mortgage Services

1. **Improved Risk Assessment**: KGNN can integrate and analyze diverse data sources to create more accurate risk profiles for loan applicants, leading to better lending decisions and reduced default rates.

2. **Personalized Loan Offers**: By understanding customer financial behaviors and needs, the platform can offer tailored loan and mortgage products, enhancing customer experience and satisfaction.

Wealth Management

1. **Holistic Financial View**: KGNN can unify data from various sources to provide a comprehensive view of a client's financial situation, enabling more effective wealth management strategies.

2. **Advanced Portfolio Optimization**: By analyzing market trends and individual client preferences, KGNN can suggest optimized investment portfolios, improving returns and client satisfaction.

Credit and Debit Cards

1. **Intelligent Fraud Prevention**: KGNN can analyze transaction patterns in real-time to detect and prevent fraudulent card usage more effectively, leveraging the AI capabilities of IBM Power10.

2. **Personalized Rewards Programs**: By understanding customer spending habits, the platform can offer tailored reward programs and card features, enhancing customer loyalty.

Overdraft Services

1. **Predictive Analytics**: KGNN can analyze account activity to predict potential overdrafts and alert customers proactively, helping them avoid fees and manage their finances better.

2. **Smart Overdraft Management**: By understanding a customer's financial patterns, the platform can offer more intelligent and fair overdraft policies, improving customer satisfaction.

Benefits of IBM Power10 and Watson IoT Integration

1. **High Performance and Scalability**: IBM Power10 processors are designed for data-intensive workloads, offering significant performance improvements and scalability, which is crucial for handling large volumes of banking transactions and data processing.

2. **AI Acceleration**: The Matrix Math Accelerators (MMA) in IBM Power10 support AI inferencing, enabling real-time analytics and decision-making at the edge, which is essential for timely and accurate banking services.

3. **Enhanced Security**: IBM Power10 includes advanced security features such as transparent memory encryption, ensuring data protection and compliance with regulatory requirements.

4. **Efficient Data Management**: Watson IoT can help manage and analyze IoT data from various banking touchpoints, providing deeper insights into customer behaviors and operational efficiencies.

5. **Reduced IT Footprint**: The compact design of IBM Power10 servers can reduce the physical space required for IT infrastructure, leading to cost savings and improved efficiency.


By combining Equitus.ai's KGNN with IBM Power10 and Watson IoT, enterprise banking customers can achieve a more integrated, secure, and efficient banking platform. This integration can lead to improved customer experiences, better risk management, and enhanced operational efficiencies across various banking services.


[1] https://newsroom.ibm.com/Blog-New-IBM-Power-server-extends-AI-workloads-from-core-to-cloud-to-edge-for-added-business-value-across-industries

[2] https://equitus.ai/enterprise-how-to-get-started/

[3] https://equitus.ai/defense/

[4] https://www.linkedin.com/posts/equitus_ibm-activity-7196103399816261633-286r

[5] https://www.linkedin.com/posts/equitus_ibm-equitusai-activity-7196103399816261633-1K_4

kgnn bank...

Equitus.ai's Knowledge Graph Neural Network (KGNN) technology can significantly enhance various banking services, including checking and savings accounts, loans and mortgages, wealth management, credit and debit cards, and overdraft services. Here's how KGNN can improve these areas:

1. Checking and Savings Accounts:

- Enhanced customer insights: KGNN can analyze transaction patterns and account behaviors to provide personalized recommendations for account management and savings strategies[1].

- Fraud detection: By identifying unusual patterns in real-time, KGNN can improve security and prevent fraudulent activities on accounts[3].

2. Loan and Mortgage Services:

- Improved risk assessment: KGNN can analyze diverse data sources to create more accurate risk profiles for loan applicants, leading to better lending decisions[1].

- Personalized offerings: By understanding customer financial behaviors and needs, banks can offer tailored loan and mortgage products[3].

3. Wealth Management:

- Holistic financial view: KGNN can integrate data from various sources to provide a comprehensive view of a client's financial situation, enabling more effective wealth management strategies[1].

- Advanced portfolio optimization: By analyzing market trends and individual client preferences, KGNN can suggest optimized investment portfolios[3].

4. Credit and Debit Cards:

- Intelligent fraud prevention: KGNN can analyze transaction patterns in real-time to detect and prevent fraudulent card usage more effectively[1].

- Personalized rewards: By understanding customer spending habits, banks can offer tailored reward programs and card features[3].

5. Overdraft Services:

- Predictive analytics: KGNN can analyze account activity to predict potential overdrafts and alert customers proactively[1].

- Smart overdraft management: By understanding a customer's financial patterns, banks can offer more intelligent and fair overdraft policies[3].

Overall, Equitus.ai's KGNN technology can transform banking services by:

- Unifying data from disparate sources, creating a comprehensive view of customer financial activities and needs[3].

- Revealing non-obvious connections and patterns in datasets, leading to more accurate risk assessments and personalized services[3].

- Providing real-time insights and analytics, enabling faster and more informed decision-making for both banks and customers[1].

- Enhancing security and fraud detection across all banking services[3].

- Improving customer experience through personalized recommendations and tailored financial products[1].

By leveraging KGNN, banks can modernize their analytics capabilities without abandoning vital legacy systems, thanks to Equitus.ai's open architecture that supports easy integration[4]. This approach allows banks to protect previous technology investments while advancing their data-driven capabilities, ultimately leading to improved services and customer satisfaction across all banking products.


[1] https://equitus.us/financial-services/

[2] https://equitus.ai/enterprise-how-to-get-started/

[3] https://equitus.ai

[4] https://equitus.ai/defense/

[5] https://www.linkedin.com/company/equitus

Sunday, April 7, 2024

very fast bank

 The combination of advanced large language models (LLMs), matrix math acceleration (MMA) hardware like IBM Power10, and GPU advancements could potentially help Equitas.ai control bank expenses in the following ways:

  1. Process Automation and Optimization:
    • LLMs can be leveraged to parse and comprehend large volumes of unstructured financial data, contracts, policies, and regulations related to banking operations.
    • This can automate manual processes, extract insights, identify inefficiencies, and suggest process optimizations, leading to cost savings.
  2. Intelligent Document Processing:
    • LLMs excel at understanding and summarizing complex documents like loan agreements, regulatory filings, and customer communications.
    • This can streamline document review, reduce human effort, and improve accuracy, resulting in operational cost reductions.
  3. Conversational AI and Customer Service:
    • Advanced LLMs can power intelligent virtual assistants and chatbots to handle customer queries, support requests, and routine banking tasks.
    • This can reduce the need for human customer service agents, lowering personnel costs while improving customer experience.
  4. Risk Management and Fraud Detection:
    • LLMs combined with MMA and GPU acceleration can enable real-time analysis of transaction data, user behavior patterns, and external data sources.
    • This can help identify potential fraud, money laundering activities, and compliance violations, mitigating associated costs and penalties.
  5. Algorithmic Trading and Portfolio Optimization:
    • MMA and GPU accelerated computing can power complex financial models, simulations, and AI-driven trading strategies.
    • This can lead to more efficient portfolio management, risk analysis, and automated trading, potentially increasing returns and reducing costs.
  6. Predictive Maintenance and Resource Optimization:
    • LLMs can process maintenance logs, sensor data, and operational reports to identify patterns and predict equipment failures or resource bottlenecks.
    • This can enable proactive maintenance, optimal resource allocation, and reduced downtime, leading to cost savings.
  7. Data Center and Infrastructure Optimization:
    • LLMs and accelerated computing can analyze data center operations, energy consumption patterns, and workload distributions.
    • This can help optimize infrastructure utilization, reduce energy costs, and identify opportunities for cost-effective scaling or consolidation.

While implementing such solutions may require upfront investments, the potential long-term cost savings and operational efficiencies make a strong case for leveraging the synergies between advanced LLMs, MMA hardware, and GPU acceleration in the banking industry.


Chat Bot
Advanced Intelligence-Machine Learning-User eXperience
Equitus.ai Cyberspatial
Systems Integration
Data Science

Wednesday, February 28, 2024



  1. Cybrid Technology Inc.
  2. GaloyFree
  3. Intergiro Intl AB
  4. SolidFree
  5. Thought Machine
  6. Basiq
  7. TrueLayer
  8. Railsr
  9. NovoPayment
  10. Unlimit PureSoftware
  11. Marqeta
  12. Finicity
  13. Finastra
  14. BBVA
  15. Green Dot
  16. OpenPayd
  17. Mercuryo
  18. JUMO Unit Routefusion Central Payments additiv

Get secure. Stay secure.

Emerging technologies and fraud tactics are being used to steal identities and take over finances—some are new, while others are more sophisticated approaches to common practices. But you can prevent these scams from happening to you. Use our educational resources to protect yourself from cybersecurity breaches, credit card fraud and more.


Use our resources to protect yourself from cybersecurity breaches, credit card fraud and much more.

Could You Fall in Love with a Fraudster? How to Spot Romance Scams

There's no good kind of cybercrime, but romance scams can be among the most brutal.

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Why You Need to Enroll in Identity/Fraud Protection Services

Fraudsters can use your personal information to open bank accounts, apply for loans and even file taxes. But there are steps you can take to keep your information safe.

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AI Voice Fraud on the Rise

Scammers are using AI voice cloning to trick people into believing loved ones are in trouble and need money. Here's how to protect yourself.

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What Are Common Types of Credit Card Fraud?

Learn more about the most common types of credit card fraud and what steps you can take to protect yourself from becoming a fraud victim.

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ACH Fraud Isn't New But It Remains a Threat

It seems like there's a new type of financial fraud to worry about every time you turn around. Yet that doesn't mean longer-standing cybercrimes are in the rearview window.

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Cybercrime For Sale: Scam Kits and How to Protect Yourself

It's a common refrain in the cybersecurity world that cybercriminals are constantly innovating. Thanks to some particularly entrepreneurial scammers, many others no longer need to.

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The Risk of IoT Devices in Your Home

Internet-connected home devices offer convenience and entertainment. But if left unsecured, your smart devices can give hackers access to personal information, leading to identity theft and financial fraud.

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Fraud Alert: Cell Phone SIM Swap Scams

As customers become increasingly aware of phone, email and online scams, fraudsters are turning to more sophisticated schemes like stealing your cell phone number. See how it works.

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Fraud Alert: Skimming

Most ATM users are aware of how to maintain physical security. But criminals are no longer just interested in stealing limited cash here and there.

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Synovus Security Center: Spoofing

There’s been an uptick in spoofing-related fraud. Here’s what you need to know.

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What Is Elder Financial Abuse?

Synovus has partnered with Carefull, a Financial Safety service, to provide the latest news on keeping your money safe. In recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15, Carefull and Synovus contribute tips on how to protect your loved ones.

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Fraud Alert: Travel Scams

Thieves never take a vacation, even when you do. Read these tips to avoid travel scams and protect yourself from fraud while traveling.

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Fraud Alert: Zelle Payments

Zelle and other peer-to-peer payment apps are convenient to pay or receive funds. But peer-to-peer scams could empty your bank account.

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How to Protect Your Child From Identity Theft

Child identity theft is a surprisingly common occurrence. Learn about red flags and how to protect your child.

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How Scammers Can Use SIM Swapping to Steal Your Phone While It's Still in Your Hand

SIM swapping is a complex scheme to hijack your phone number—often using basic information you might share online. With access to your texts, fraudsters can change your account passwords and gain control of your finances.

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Common Holiday Scams

Thieves go into overdrive around the holidays. Learn more about six common holiday scams and how to avoid them.

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Infographic: How to Spot Red Flags For Banking Scams

The best way to protect yourself from scammers is to learn to identify common red flags that a scammer is targeting you — and then take action.

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Protecting Your Digital Footprint After Death

Make a plan to help your loved ones secure your digital accounts and prevent post-mortem identity theft after you die.

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What is a Social Engineering Scam?

Social engineering scams are designed to defraud victims with fake emails and texts. Learn about these scams and ways to protect yourself.

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What to Do if You Are a Victim of Fraud

The FBI reports that online fraud is rapidly growing in the U.S. Find out how to protect yourself and what to do if you are a fraud victim.

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Scam Alert: Phishing

Phishing attacks are on the rise, but you can keep your inbox — and your personal information — safe with a few key tips.

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Scam Alert: Smishing

Smishing scams send you text messages from fake sources in an attempt to trick you into revealing personal or financial information.

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Scam Alert: Vishing

Vishing is a type of fraud that blends telephone and email scams. Here's how to identify red flags of vishing and how to report it.

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5 Tips For Safe Online Shopping

Online shopping is more popular than ever and cyberthieves and hackers have taken note. Here's how to stay one step ahead of the scams.

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8 Ways to Secure Your Home Network

As more people work from home, home network security becomes increasingly crucial. Here are eight ways to secure your home network.

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How to Identify and Prevent Fraud via Phone, Email, and Online

Scammers use many tricks to get you to divulge your personal information by phone, email, or online. Here are some red flags to look for.

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Fraud Alert: Charity Scams

Don't let scammers take advantage of your generosity. Here are ways to check that your donations end up in the right hands.

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Scam Alert: Malware and Ransomware

Ransomware attacks are on the rise, just as working from home becomes more common. Here's how to protect your data from malware.

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5 Tips For Spotting a Phishing Email

Phishing attacks are on the rise, but you can keep your inbox — and your personal information — safe with a few key tips.

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Scam Alert: Card Skimming

Learn how to protect your card data from cyber thieves when you shop, use the ATM, or fuel up your vehicle.

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6 Ways to Keep Your Mobile Phone Secure

Your smartphone is a lifeline, but losing its data or having it stolen could be a disaster. Here's how to make it more secure.

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Infographic: 7 Tips to Stay Safe While Shopping Online

Learn how to protect yourself from hackers and cyberthieves when shopping online. It is possible to safely shop online.

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How to Protect Your Account with Secure Passwords

Hackers steal nearly 250,000 online login credentials each week. Here's how to protect your email and financial data with a strong password.

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Are Password Managers a Good Idea?

If you have trouble keeping track of multiple passwords, consider using a password manager. But is it safe for your financial accounts? Consider these points first.

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7 Ways to Protect Your Aging Parents From Financial Abuse

Your aging parents could be at risk for elder financial abuse. Here's how to spot signs of fraud and protect your parents' assets.

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How to Teach Your Children About Being Safe Online

Parents can keep their children safe online with these best practices. Take a look at these tips to teach your kids how to be safe online.

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5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

Identity thieves can damage your credit, steal your money, and disrupt your life. Here are ways to protect yourself against ID theft.

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Scam Alert: Bogus Banking Emails

Hold on before you panic. That urgent email from your bank might be fake. Here's how to spot the scam, and then what to do next.

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What Is Check Washing?

Check washing is an old type of check fraud that's making a comeback. Here's how criminals pull it off — and how to protect yourself.

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What to do if you’re a victim

  • Call us at 1-888-SYNOVUS if you believe your Synovus card or account is impacted.
  • As a victim of identity theft, know your rightsClick here to view those rights and learn how to report identity theft.
  • Contact financial institutions or creditors for any accounts or cards that might have been impacted by the fraud or identity theft. Make sure to follow up in writing.
  • Have EquifaxExperian, and TransUnion place a "fraud alert" on your file. Also, ask them to include a statement asking creditors to obtain your permission before opening any new accounts in your name.
  • Be sure to contact other agencies, such as the Social Security Administration, Federal Trade Commission and others, as appropriate.
  • Review your credit reports regularly.
  • File a report with the police. Keep a copy in case creditors request it.
  • Contact your broker, account manager, the Securities Exchange Commission, NASD and/or Securities Regulator if you think someone has tampered with your securities investments or brokerage account.
  • Complete the Customer Security Incident Reporting form if you believe you have discovered a potential security concern regarding any Synovus products.

What we do:

  • Secure your information by using firewalls, anti-virus software, application security, and monitoring for intrusions and fraudulent activity.
  • Use 256-bit TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption to keep your information safe when you access your account and perform transactions.
  • Have “strong authentication” for our digital banking products, meaning in addition to requiring your username and password for sign in, they require additional authentication to verify your identity.
  • Implement a strong Customer Due Diligence program to protect our customers, our company and the public at large. Learn more.
  • Implement rigorous security standards that meet or exceed federal government security requirements.

As a Synovus PlusSynovus Inspire, or Synovus Private Wealth customer, you can enroll in complimentary Credit and Identity Protection services. With this service, Synovus will monitor your credit reports and notify you any time any changes are made. Synovus will also scan the web to make sure your personal information hasn't been compromised by checking websites, blogs, peer-to-peer networks. Synovus also offers full-service identity restoration if you become a victim of identity theft.

Want to know more about how you can achieve peace of mind as a Synovus customer? Get your personal code by talking with your Synovus advisor and then enroll here.

bank profits

Equitus.ai's Knowledge Graph Neural Network (KGNN) technology, combined with IBM Power10 processors, could improve major profit sources ...